“The Glass Menagerie” by Teatr Baza is a shining example of creativity, dedication, and collaboration, culminating in a resounding success. This enchanting play captivated audiences in many cities in Poland. On Sept. 13, 2023, the play was presented in St. Louis as part of the 8th Annual Tennessee Wiliams Festival.
Its enduring impact not only delighted theatergoers but also left an indelible mark on St. Louis theater, serving as an inspiring example of artistic excellence. The journey of success began with the visionary director Tomasz Zadróżny, who adapted the American classic play with a minimalistic setting and passionate delivery. One of the key factors contributing to the play’s success is the exceptional casting. The ensemble includes talented young actors, each embodying their characters with depth and authenticity. The audience’s enthusiastic response in St Louis was overwhelming, and critics were effusive in their praise. The play’s theme of a family struggling financially and culturally to keep up with a changing world resonates deeply with viewers of all ages.
The introduction of Teatr Baza was an added value to the TWStL Festival. The TWStL patrons experienced a fresh international perspective by introducing a foreign language play.
“The Glass Menagerie” will be remembered in St Louis as a landmark production that captured the imagination and hearts of theatergoers. In conclusion, this successful production was a triumph of artistic vision, hard work, and support of the Polish community in St Louis.
RIVERFRONT TIMES By Tina Farmer on Fri, Sep 15, 2023 at 5:27 pm
“Teatr Baza’s Szklana Menazeria (The Glass Menagerie) took a surreal approach to Williams’ St. Louis-based classic, creating a memory play more evocative than realistic, yet effectively compelling and resonant. Performed in Polish with English supertitles, the adaptation compressed the story to its most necessary scenes while incorporating unexpected yet thematically fitting moments, including a tense pas de deux quarrel between Tom and Amanda and a bittersweet love ballad between Jim, the gentleman caller, and Laura. Dorota Zodkiewicz, Magdalena Dudek and Lukasz Furman are beguiling as Laura, Amanda, and Jim. However, Jakub Sirko, as Tom, is the heart and soul of the play. Though restrained, his emotional arc and natural charisma create a strong, successful pull on the audience’s sympathy.
If you’re a Tennessee Williams fan, I recommend you make plans to attend more than just the main stage production at next year’s festival.”
From: Peter Mayer, actor, writer, and Artistic Director of Upstream Theater in St. Louis
“We saw Theatr Baza’a production last night, and it was wonderful. Really outstanding. Great use of the (surprisingly) charming space, beautifully directed, inventive, whimsical, a genuinely fresh and enchanting take on this old tale we all know so well. And the actors were superb. I’ve seen Glass Menagerie more times than I can count, been in it twice, and I’ve never seen a better, more enchanting, touching, and ultimately heartbreaking production of it. I made certain Jarek knew how much I was blown away. Hats off to all involved!”
From: Carrie Houk – Artistic Director of the Tennessee Williams Festival in St Louis
From: Polish Consulate in St Louis:
Video Player
Sophie Bendarski
Izabela & Jarek Czernikiewicz
Ewa & Tomasz Heyduk
Eric Keenney
Ksenija Kos
Bozena Lusiak
Peter Mayer
Anna Naumovich
Edward Poniewaz
Tera Schultz
Elzbieta Sklodowska
Bonnie Stegemann
Elzbieta Swietlicki
Monika Zahorska
Ellie Schwetye
The Chapel
SATE Ensemble Theatre
Upstream Theater
Our special thanks to Carrie Houk, Artistic & Executive Director of Tennessee Williams Festival, for inviting Teatr Baza to St Louis.