On Sunday, April 15, at 2:30 pm. two St. Louis organists, Andrzej Zahorski and Stephen Mager, will present a program titled the Divine Monologue, which will conclude a series of concerts commemorating the 50th anniversary of Saint Louis Abbey Church organ. 

The Abbey organ is one of the first instruments built in the USA that fully represent ideals of the Organ Revival Movement which was inspired by seminal work of Albert Schwetzer, a great musical, philosopher, and humanist. The Movement was dedicated to a full restoration of the beauty of the pipe organ through a recovery of the most valuable parts of the organ building tradition. The instrument at the Abbey church, built for the Abbey church in 1967 by Georg Hradetzky, still remains one of best neoclassic instruments in the region.

Saint Louis Abbey Church — 500 South Mason Road, Creve Coeur 63141



Lively presentation of the Hradetzky organ in the Saint louis Abbey Church — an interview with Dr. Andrzej Zahorski by Gabe Jones, Media Relations Specialist, Archdiocese of Saint Louis. The interview was conducted earlier this year – we are thrilled that it has just been released just on time for our final concert – The Divine Monologue.