Direct help to Ukrainian Family.

Saint Louis Polonia joined a network of organizations that offer direct help to Ukrainian families that requested assistance. Please support them by direct donation to the UKRAINIAN REFUGEE ASSISTANCE FUND

100% of donations deposited to the Ukrainian Refugee Assistance Fund wil be passed on to families requesting assistance. All costs related to the delivery of donations such as banking fees are covered by Saint Louis Polonia Inc.

Below is a letter received from the two sisters Khrystyna and Irina who are currently in Warsaw with their children while their husbands stayed in Ukraine to defend their country. They are from the Lviv area.

“Я Христина і моя сестра Ірина менканки Львова. В перші дні російського вторгнення в Україну зібрали наших дітей і вирішили виїхати до Польщі.Наші чоловіки, бабця 80 років і малий бізнес сестри залишилися в дома.Дорога до Польщі була дуже довгою, а з малими дітьми дуже складною.День і ніч ми простояли в черзі.Змучені і голодні ми перетнули кордон.Далі до Перемишля і ще 6 годин до Варшави.Я сердечно вдячна полякам, які радо нас зустріли. Я вражена від їх щирості та доброти.”

P.S. Pleasе, pray for Ukraine!❤

“I am Krystyna and my sister Iryna is from Lviv. In the first days of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, our children were gathered and decided to go to Poland. Our husbands, 80-year-old grandmother, and small business sisters stayed at home. The road to Poland was very long, and with small children very difficult. Day and night we stood in line. Exhausted and hungry, we crossed the border. Then to Przemyśl and another 6 hours to Warsaw. I am grateful to the Poles who welcomed us. I am impressed by their sincerity and kindness.

YOUR DONATIONS can be made by:

CHECK: Make checks payable to Saint Louis Polonia Inc. (memo line – Ukrainian Refugee Fund) and mailed to: SAINT LOUIS POLONIA INC. 11469 Olive Blvd #1115, Creve Coeur, MO 63141


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