The Polish American Communication Initative (PACI) created the newest page on the PACI “Addressing Defamation“. This site presents recent examples of Anti-Polish statements or erroneous used of Polish history and wil be updated over time as the currrent issues getresolved or become old. Please visit the PACI page and help counter disparaging remarks against Poles and Polish Americans. Allowing the presentation of historical inaccuracies about Poles or perpetuating Polish stereotypes hurts not just PolishAmericans but all Americans. If know of anyone interested in countering anti-Polish statements inthe media, please invite them to use the PACI page.
The PACI team has also published firstblog written by Dr. Thaddeus Radzilowski, President of the Piast Institute. The blog post is titled “Anti-Polish Stereotypes: A Preliminary Reconnaisance”. It is a look at the history of anti-Polish sentiments in the US and Europe.
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